Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mommy & Shibani

Nora never believes me when I say I know Shibani when she comes on the news. Here is proof...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Charlie's Cowboy Round Up!

Charlie's class had a Cowboy Round Up to finish up their cowboy unit at school.

They wore their cowboy outfits that they earned and they all looked so cute!

He was so happy and loved every minute of it.

I love this picture...look at his knees!

They got to use a real microphone to introduce their horse.

Charlie named his horse "1,2,3,4." Mrs. Kelley said that was a first.

They even did a little square dancing!
Charlie & Molly

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Graham's Baptism

This morning my oldest baby was baptized. Proudest Moment Ever. This picture is my favorite. This is our children's pastor praying with Graham and 3 other boys that were baptized today. I just love it.
This is the part where I cried.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day of School

After a year of homeschooling we are all HAPPY to be going back to Metro!!! Graham will be in 4th Grade!!! His teacher is Mrs. Freiner. Nora had great first day of school hair!!! Nora will be in 2nd Grade!!! Her teacher is Mrs. Archer. Graham had her for kindergarten and 2nd grade so we already know we love her! She's so photogenic! She did NOT get that from her mommy. Charlie (Super Charlie) will be in K4 this year!! His teacher is Mrs. Kelley!! Graham and Nora both had her for K4 and she really is the best preschool teacher EVER!! He'll be at school three days a week this year and I am going to miss him!

Nora and her friend Taylor Behrman in chapel.
Nora and Alex Frie Nora and Mrs. Archer Charlie and Mrs. Kelley

Charlie & Molly

***there are no pictures of Graham in chapel or of Graham with his friends or of Graham with his teacher because evidently 4th grade is the year that you become too cool to sit with your parents or be walked to class. He did hug me goodbye though.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gifts for our teachers...

Glue Sticks for all our Teachers!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Graham's 10th Birthday Party

We had a joint birthday party with Grant & Griffin Rupe to celebrate all the boy's 10th Birthdays. It was unbelievably hot but it was fun!
John, Amonica, Griffin & Grant Rupe

I can't believe my baby will be 10 in September! Double Digits!!! When the party was over the dad's played tether ball. It was hilarious.