Thursday, December 8, 2011


Our Elf, Alphie came to visit for the whole month of December.  The kids wrote him notes and woke up every morning to search for him and see if he had any surprises for them.  On this morning he left them Elf sized donuts.

A few other things he did while visiting:
left pajamas
toilet papered the kitchen
made them an Elf breakfast of spaghetti, syrup and sprinkles

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Helping mom work :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Squirrel Whisperer

For a while now we thought we might be hearing something scurrying around inside our walls.  Last night we knew for sure that something was trapped in the wall of our bathroom.  Nathan called some friends over and they got out what looked like a baby squirrel.  It was hilarious!!  Nathan, Graham, Scott Rackers and Chris Abshere were all locked in our bathroom with various weapons squealing and giggling like little girls.  I was impressed though that Nathan caught it after it darted out of the wall. 

We later caught another and heard several more in the walls.  The Skunk Whisperer came out and told us they were FLYING SQUIRRELS and wanted us to pay him $3000 to get rid of them.  We paid some guys $300 to do the work he recommended and haven't heard or seen a flying squirrel since!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Tooth Fairy came!

Shoogie lost one of her front teeth!  It was the first tooth that mom was out of town.
The tooth fairy left her a note...
Her name is Bubblegum Buttons
She lives in Buttonville
She plants Nora's teeth and candy grows

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Little Seamstress

Nora and her friend, Claire took a sewing class!  They loved it!  I hope Nora continues to love sewing and creating little masterpieces.  She made the cutest pillowcase.  It turned out great. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Nora and I got to go to the Taylor Swift concert with the Mayfield girls!!  It was a great concert!  Nora was soooo excited.  Taylor is her favorite.  We had fabulous seats.  She came and sat right in front of us and sang several songs.  SO FUN!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dance Recital

Nora's dance recital was today. Dance recitals are a big deal...a full day of dress rehearsal...lots of make-up...lots of time being silly backstage with the backstage mom (ME)...lots of fun!!!

Nora loved getting to wear mascara!

Flowers from Nana and Pepa and Daddy